you need Style, Power and Technique my Friend 😉 … seeking the Truth …. in Eyes …. in Details …. in Lines …. or more Lines … or anywhere else
Who needs a Gallery? Public Spaces are the best to drop Artworks for free and everybody. Here are some Examples, not all but a few of them 😉 Hope alle of them re good and not jailed anymore….
Paste Up with the Title: “Mystic Triangle touched and flown away” in an abandoned Building.
– the whole Wall – – the wormy Guy – – some Details –
Dresden was one of the most bombed Cities in WWII. Nowadays there are many Cities worldwide which are bombed liked Dresden 1945. But Up to date Germany is one of the worldwide leading arms-exporting-countries. Time to remember that this is all forced by Arms Lobbyists and Politicians, so i…
Part ONE of my “City Cartoons” Series. Just a big painted Carton placed in a public Place. It was taken away in Minutes…..
….putting some old Stickers from 2002 on the Street, psychiatric Technique -> you are what you see 😉
I like dropping Art for free and everybody.